Hopefully all the steps are in place and you’re digging in, making the most of the quiet time to prepare for better days ahead.
Throughout this COVID-19 event, there has been a big push to postpone and not cancel – mostly because it provides all of us something to look forward to but also enables businesses to prepare and not be taken completely by surprise, to the detriment of both business and customer. What happens though in the long term?
Business Australia has provided articles and resources to help us navigate through just one of the many layers of potential difficulties at this time.
Rather than attempt to re-write the article – Click here to read more and/or see the useful links at the bottom of the page.
Dive Industry of Australia Association
Useful links:
ACCC Guidance to understanding rights & obligations under Australian Consumer Law:
Consumer Guarantees:
Business Australia – Small Business and Employer Guide to Coronavirus: https://www.businessaustralia.com/how-we-help/be-a-better-employer/getting-legal-advice/employer-guide-to-coronavirus
Business Australia Managing Refunds & Cancellations: